Touhou 3: Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream
Platform Played On: PC-98 (Emulation)
Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream is the third game in the series where it's a VS styled Dankmaku in which you pick from a cast of characters as you basically go out and try to bring each other down by using Boss attacks to each other. The one who loses all of their lives loses.
So this game isn't much of a story game, Infact the story is VERY simple. Reimu basically found a Ruins, but only one person can enter the Ruins. So her and 6 others clash it out in battle as only 1 person can go in the shrine. Whoever wins will be greeted by Chiyri and Yumemi to be granted their award. Each character has their own endings so there's replayability.
The gameplay is about the same as Touhou 2, Just this time there's splitscreen going on and that you basically shoot at the enemies and creat chain explosions to harm other enemies to build up a Boss Meter. Your attack is very basic this time as you can only mash to shoot, Holding it charges the meter to unleash Boss attacks that can cause more bullets to rain on your opponents. You must fight through each character including your own in a mirror match as you become the last one standing. Each character has their own playstyles and abilities and stats. Though I will admit, Playing through this will be absolute hell as the game can grow to be a huge clusterfuck of things happening, Especially if your opponents unleashes multiple attacks on you at a time.
The must is something I really like in this game, Each character has their own theme which is really neat. Again, Zun got better with this game in terms of Music. It's Touhou Music.
Honestly? This game is not really up to par with the previous game, It's done something quite different compared to the two but Touhou 2 is a better game in my honest opinion. Though I feel like I can give this about the same rating as Touhou 1, Which I think I prefer over this, just very slightly. I wouldn't doubt it would be much more fun when you play with friends if you can.