[1-31-24] It's happening again...
I think I will make this one a quick one so I can go ahead and get it out of my system. So if any of you remember a few weeks ago, The doctors found a few tiny spots on my fiance's liver. During this time we have been narrowing it down to what it could be, She has family history of her family having weird livers in the past and came out just fine. So we narrowed things down like Liver cancer and Disease and all that for any symptoms. And we sworn up and down that it could not be the worst... As it turns out, We were wrong... Now, She has been having CAT scans since she had her surgery to make sure everything is fine every 3 months and well, 3 months before the scan she was perfectly fine but now we know that these tiny spots on her liver is apparently cancer. It's shocking to hear and everything and I hope that it's just that, But we do not know. So she's soon gonna have a PET scan to see if there's anything else that could be a problem since with the CAT scan all they saw was just that.
Something I remember last year is how they did a CAT scan on her last year where she had like 3 lymphnodes lit up and in general kinda looked worse than the PET scan later on in which she had one lymph node. and not only that but last year she had dealt with those symptoms since August 2022 in which she could have been dealing with cancer a lot longer than we think during that time. There was a brief moment for months that she didn't had cancer and this one recently shown up. She managed to go through Chemo pretty well for the most part and that they're gonna basically put her on a stronger yet different Chemo treatment to see if that itself kills it before things gets worse.
But yeah, this is quite distressful but how I see it is that they really got something very early cause these spots are absolutely tiny and just patches. So I hope this time it goes even smoother and that apparently she's gonna be on chemo for an entire year doing this one method. It's scary and I'm more scared that if she goes through this that if cancer tries to come back yet again at her. It's a scary situation to think, but she's got some of the best docs we currently got around here and they did it well in a timely manner with her previous cancer. I just hope that this will be the last time... It hurts seeing her that way... I will try to get the page back up for supporting her later on, But for now I just needed to get this off my chest...