[10-2-24] 2 More Months Left til next year.

Busy Busy Busy

Hey everyone, It's been a hot minute since I last did a Blog post. Needless to say, I have been very busy with Work as I'm only have such short time per day it seems anymore. Speaking of Work, I'm now Hired on and I'm currently part of the Union! The only downside is that I have to wear a white shirt every day and most of my shirts are Black, But they gave us shirts so I'm basically wearing the same shirt day by day lol. Not only that, But I'm now 27 years old now since September 4th. I was planning on making an update for my Birthday but never did :/, Mainly because in my personal life nothing is too interesting and the only things that make it interesting is doing Art I suppose. I mean, I did like 2 pieces this past month which is kinda Okay, I was working on a 3rd one for the month but I didn't finish it for some reason? Idk, Doing projects honestly makes my entire body feel so tired or that I would stare at my screen and then go do something else to prepare myself doing said thing. Doing Projects is... Haaaaaard... Though! Speaking of Projects...

Webcomic Update

So I've been more comfortable lately continuing my Webcomic project. I'm currently close to 30 pages so far which isn't a whole lot since I started this back in mid July during my two weeks and barely did anything til last minute x_x. Though as of last week I was starting to roll again, Until I got distracted being around some others as they got me to play Roblox with them... Man, I need to figure out how to be more focus on doing things. Fucking, Give me adderal LOL. Or maybe I just need to stop browsing videos or something IDK. Anyways, I am aiming around like 70 pages long for the Pilot and I want to get this done by the end of the month, which IDK if I will get to do that point, But it is in motion somewhat. You might also be asking yourself "But Dev, Last time you said that you were going to put your project on Freeze because of your computer issues, Did you fix your computer?"

About that...

So, The error I was getting was about my CPU that would randomly crash my system. Needless to say, I got a bit frustrated and went ahead and bite the bullet and installed Windows... sigh... 11. I know, Sacralidge. Ever since I installed Windows though, I have had not a single crash on my system. Sometimes I would wake up to my system randomly on the login screen but that was due to the Updates that Windows was automatically installing on my system. So far, I have not a Single crash since then. So It could have been something related to Fedora or something like that. Which, Damn, I was loving Fedora... Anyways, I guess I will be on Windows 11, I'm actually using the IoT LTSC version which gives you all the basic functionality so I don't have the bloat. I still don't like Windows 11, It's a whole downgrade from 10 which that system was just... Tolerable on it's own. I know people will also recommend using OpenShell but I hate to admit, I do not like how my system has this mix mash of Classic windows and modern windows UI, If I want to make my system look fully classic, I would have to pay money to customize. Fuck, I miss being on Linux, But the software I can get now and stuff makes Windows worth using alone... Sorry Linux Bros...

Fiance Update

So as I have mentioned last time, Her scan looked really good and stuff. She will soon get another scan but her hair she's been losing more and more with time, It's not the end of the world regarding that, It eases me knowing that it's working. But still, I tend to worry regardless about Scan days. Which, to anyone, it's understandable. Cancer is unpredictable and that I just wish we can live in a world where we can manage cancer like it's just a normal sickness that we take a simple medicine and it's gone after taking it always and everytime.

Anyways, that's my blabbering for the while. Idk when the next update will happen, but I want you all to know the Project is operating and may take some time to get done. I hope you all enjoy what I make! Seeyah next time.