[12-1-2024] What a Month, Huh?
Hello everyone, We're finally at our final month of the year! And I'm feeling a bit anxious to even write this one because jeez it's already been 300+ days since the year started and yet it all feels so short. Even being Jobless, Those 6 months went by really fast, It's been nothing but anticipation and waiting for various reasons... Anyways, onto the news.
A return of Neocities?
It's not what you may think, It's going to be a different approach. This isn't about moving my website back to Neocities, This is about my Project. The consensus is to put my webcomic on Neocities! Now, You maybe asking yourself "You've been making a dedicated Webcomic section on your website, Why put it on a whole new website?". Which is a good question, Lately I've been going out of my way reading Webcomics that's not Homestuck, Reading how these comics usually begin leading up to where they're at now. Of course I didn't catch up with any of them, I sometimes just skip at different time frames to see how that Comic is holding up. I began to realize how I kinda need to structure my Comic and the first thing to have is this Comic up and Center. I have been iffy about the execution of how it will be delivered since you have to click multiple links til you end up on the comic page, But I want to have something more, right in your face. I also realize that it might be better to go ahead and start it from the actual beginning rather than a Pilot for it. Update it with a couple of pages and so on rather than doing a Manga styled release, Which just puts much more work and time to make something than to release it in Segments. Basically, To make this comic as just any other Webcomic out on the web and hosted by Neocities. Being on Neocities will mean that it will be easier for people to see if there's been an update or to be viewed in general. Overall, I will hopefully have something by the beginning of the next year...
Some personal stuff
Lately my mood overall has been very different, And mainly because I've been doing some things that has helped me better myself. I've actually gained confidence once again into myself as I feel like I'm around others who aren't gonna pressure me into being who they want me to be. I've actually been lacking in Panic Attacks believe it or not which is really surprising to do. Infact earlier my mind made me think that I was about to have a Panic Attack but in truth I didn't. I just wanna say that, It's okay to do anything when you do it in Moderation. Moderation is KEY to having a healthy relationship when it comes to something that could potentially be addicting. Weird way of sentencing reading back on this. Anyways for a whiplash, I've been a bit confident into wearing Feminine things again. Like, Not in the "Eggshell" way since that related made me completely stop doing it for many YEARS. To keep it short, I was pressured all those years ago to go through with myself in which I ended up feeling more miserable by those supporting me and how I viewed my identity. It really should be up to an Individual to decide how they want to be viewed and respected and not how others are pressuring said person because of how they view the person because of Gender Norms. Anyways, I'm gaining in general confidence because I think Feminine stuff feels really good to put on me.
Anyways, This has been going on for way too long actually been constantly In and Out and have been sitting here writing for about... 4 hours now? Man, I really need to find a way to be less distracted. Anyways, Seeyah!