[5-14-24] Overhauling my room

Thanks to that stupid Deer, I'm ballin' in new stuff for my room

As a recap, March I hit a deer as it ran off, In April I was trying to get my money and finally did from my insurance company, May is when I have finally got everything settled and I have been buying some stuff for my little room. Now, It may seem stupid considering my position but I can garantee you that I still have a fuckton of cash left that will last me a good time though, I'm still curdious of how I spend my money. I didn't buy anything TOO expensive either, So far I have bought a Desk, A really cool yet pricy wall clock that can show Pixel Art (Mainly using it for time and weather), and soon I will have a new Wardrobe which I deem quite important considering that the Drawers I got when I moved here was NOT ENOUGH. Yes, For years at this point I have been keeping my clothes in baskets and having to go through them just to pick out clothes. Mainly due to the fact that I could not for the life of me putting all of my clothes in the drawers but now I will finally have the opportunity to do so. Also, It will help seperate mine and my Fiance's clothes from mixing up and all that. Of course, I will be buying brand new clothes as I plan to overhaul my entire wardrobe with clothes that fit me.

Here's my new area, The lights have been really great. and I want to show off my entire area if I can, It's not as messy IRL


So if you were confused by my last paragraph of what I mean by "I'm still curdious of how I spend my money.", I did not last a day at that last Job. The reason why is that it was very extreme for how hard I had to push my body to constantly putting heavy hams onto spikes and cutting them, But doing it all in the cold. It was so bad that I actually got sick after I came home and my toes were cold for hours. The boots they provided was simply not comfortable at all and I could not wear them for so long like they wanted me to wear them, It made my toes just freeze it seems. The place was so cold, It was just above freezing by like 4 degrees Fahrenheit, Yeah, Really brutal. That takes me to this new Job opportunity, Now it's the opposite, Apparently it gets Hot. For a Southern like myself, It's something I'm quite used to. At my second Job I had worked in the heat before and there's plenty of things that aims to help and it pays even more! I had an interview Thursday and was told that I would be expected a phone call today but that did not happen, So I guess I gotta call up and see what's up with that. But if I had this job, It will pay me super good, Like 2 dollars more than the one I just tried. Crossing my fingers I can get this.


Well! I'm approaching closer and closer to what I have been wanting to work on for these past 2 years now and I will slowly be updating with time. Honestly I need to work on Site priviews where if a Link is dropped on say like... Discord for example, there would be a link that shows a preview instead of it showing like... Nothing. Since if you put my link into something it shows nothing. Well, once I work on that, I will be working on the character pages! Already, I currently have Rango and if you can notice that her design has changed a bit from Pixel to full on Illustration, this is temporary until I can draw her again in Pixel LOL. But that art will be used for the character pages just to give out a good show of the characters. so with all this in mind, The Art page might not have much added for a moment as I will work on all of these Characters.

Also Favicon

Finally something I added was the Favicon. Idk why it took so long but yeah, Favicons are here

Anyways, That's been the update. See you all later!