[06-03-24] Back on the Grind

So I got a Job, Again!

I have been quite late since the last update, Mainly due to this past week being mostly nothing except for this one thing that I managed to get with the skim of my teeth. For the past couple of weeks, I have been calling up an employment office to try and get this job. Well, Tuesday I managed to get a call (Monday I wasn't able to get any calls being picked up :/). Although I wasn't on the List, They did put me on for a Backup as a just in case that not enough came up and take on the orientation. Well, Just by pure luck, I managed to sneak a spot for 2nd shift, Which is 2PM to 10PM. I'm actually glad I got myself an 8 hour shift, But holy fuck it's been like... 6 Months since I last worked? Not only that but I have gained weight since (I still look kinda the same as I was prior), But I'm back to not being used to work this hard, So my ankles gets quite sore but I do hope that this time around I can get used to it. Afterall, I'm drinking more water now and like, I get infinite Water at work LOL. Today they're still sore, But Kinda sucks that this past week I was forced to work overtime (Everyone in the area that I worked with had to do Overtime). Anyways, I do hope that I can get used to it.

Fiance Update

To be honest, I get nervous whenever my Fiance gets a CT scan and that she's about to get one this Friday. In case you didn't know, Back in Janurary she was doing her quaterly Scan and that in Janurary they found tiny spots in a area size of a Fingerprint that was on her Liver (Just tiny spots not like, 1 large cancer tumor or anything like that), As it turned out it was Cancer, again. However, She managed to get on Chemo like in March and around April they scanned her again and the spots were about at the same place and size. Theorizing that there's a chance it's been shrinking. Again, Thank fucking god that she gets frequent scans as this is basically caught early. Not only that but soon we will see what they will do for her surgery if they're going to place radiation or remove the chunk surgically. This time, Whether it be, She will still be on Chemo therapy after this surgery cause last time she wasn't not in the shape to be taking that unfortunately. But they have been putting her on a better and stronger Chemo. But overall, She's been getting a lot better with eating and actually gaining her weight slowly (This is actually a good thing!), Though the only thing that was a HUGE concern about her eating was the Lack of Potassium which made her feel like absolute shit, But that's being taken care of thanks to gummies that gives her potassium. So, I'm just hoping this Friday we can see some better results and see where things will go from there. It's scary, and especially so when it's with a person that you cherish so much in your life.


I still want this Webcomic to come out, Last month I did not do as many pieces of Art that I wanted to do and I'm really afraid that with the new Job that I might not be able to do Art nearly as much or Often, This is mainly due to my own behaviors as I can still manage to get enough time, But it's me who gotta get up and do the thing I want to make. My last grand piece was like, Late april and it's June! Last month I just did some character art and yes, Some I had to do in Private for someone since I don't think I could post it without people getting confused with my Art. Anyways, I still wanna aim that by the end of this year, I could get the Webcomic rolling. I have a feeling there might be latefulness and delays and all that, But I need to get the ball rolling.

Getting back into a Highschool Card game I used to play

Yeah, I splurged when I got the job on Magic the Gathering Cards. Of course I got them knewing that I could stick with this job (Despite how rough it is on my feet x_x). So the plan is that I wanna try and at least get into Friday Night Magic at local places around here, Though I would need to be on Morning shift to do this, Which is part of the plan! But yeah, That's really all I could update on this. Really hoping things will go smooth, For now, I'm in a constant state of Anxiety