[8-17-24] Technical Difficulties

The future of my Current Computer

Well, on a Technological scale, It's quite of a bad time on that end, And what I mean is that My CPU is dying. It's quite of a Bummer because I was planning on using this thing for like... Another 5 years from now, The plan of this computer all the way back in 2019 was that this Computer was going to last me for 10 years. But as it turns out, The processor is starting to die off now... I mainly blame myself for this as I do leave my computer on but like, Do nothing to keep it on other than sit in Idle. It's all my fault on that. Current CPUs are far better than my current one, Like 200% faster if I recall? However, There's something else about this that I wanna talk about and Consider doing moving forward. I'm thinking about Downsizing my setup in general, which is something on my mind before I even had this CPU issue. Now, Laptops can have issues on their own if you don't take good care of em. However, I'm considering getting a Laptop from System 76 and I already found the Laptop I want since it's the only Laptop that they offer that has an AMD Processor. Incase if you're unaware, Intel Processors have been having Oxidization issues for 13/14 gen CPUS, Which all the others have the Intel chip in them. So I only have 1 option for it. The other option I could go for is a Framework but It doesn't have a feature that the System 76 Laptop has. But anyways, Downsizing will carrying my pc around easier and lets me go outside more to do some work and all that. Anyways, That's pretty much it for that.

Projects on Freeze because of the Above issue

To keep it short, I'm going to be putting my Webcomic on Freeze because of the Above issue reason. I don't feel comfortable working on the project and stuff potentially crashing. That goes with Art and anything else for now. So I'm on the grindset til I can get my hands on a new main PC.

Job Update

Whew, I'll tell you what. It's rough but I'm actually getting more used to it. Well, I learned that I'm supposed to get Backpay for the new $$$ per hour and on top of that, When I get hired on... Yeah, I'm making the fattest stacks of cash on a weekly basis. Already, I don't go broke with how much I get paid. I have to be very stupid with my money and waste it on something I don't need that costs a lot for me to be broke. But shit, The money I will be making later is going to be crazy. What if I told you in the next 3 years, I will be making 28$ an hour??? Not only that, But that maximum can raise further and further over the years going forward. I could make so much money and hell, Apparently when I get hired on I'm going to be making 23 Dollyroonos. Holy fucking shit. Not only that, But I'm now considered one of the best workers on the Team now. I have gotten so good and so much better with time, that I seriously impress my bosses. Even the higher up corporates loves us because we do the absolute fucking best on any shift, And hey, It's not even that bad on me anymore. So yeah, Things are going extremely great.

Fiance Update

I can finally breathe fellas. So if you remember, 2 months back she had a scan, And it turns out that it was getting worse at that time. The worst case scenerio was her ending up having surgery and having her Liver basically trimmed down and that her recovery time would have taken a lot longer if she had to go through this. Well, This week we got some Fantastic news that her cancer has SHRUNK 15%, the extra spot on her liver that they were worried about was apparently all nothing and potentially just scarring or that it looked ugly. Her hair is falling out this time around which is a sign that it's working and it's working even stronger than her original treatment. They estimate that in 4 months if this keeps up that it will be so tiny. So, I can breathe this week and hoping to god that it continues to shrink in the next 2 months. Fingers cross, This was really good news. Oh and she also bought some Cosplay wigs that she will be wearing, they both look really cute too!

Linux Journey

The last one I'm going to be talking about is that I've been getting more and more into the Linux Journey again and trying to learn linux itself so that one day I can upgrade to System Admin and make twice as much as my current job. I've actually been taking notes and writing them down which has helped me with the Terminal and remember to commands. Keep in mind, I have been using Linux for 2-3 years mostly and like, I'm just learning the Terminal LOL. Well okay, plenty of commmands are easy but still... I should try and get on with the Odin Project for coding and sharpening up my CSS and HTML programming. But I mean, My site is perfect as is, I might go even further with different parts of the sites. After all, I do have plans and Ideas.

That's all the news and updates I got. Sorry for not being able to setup the forums or anything, I should really stop announcing things and proceeding to never do it. I think I will do it if I just simply do it. Anyways, Later Gators.

PS, I almost forgot but I finally transferred my Domain but the email isn't working rn but I should get something up okay thanks love you all take care now.